*Short Lead: Please see that 'Site Inspection details' is for the 27 February 2025*. Microprojects Invitation To Tender For; The Development of Malkerns Aquaculture Borehole System – C512 / 24631. Tenderers are invited from locally registered Plumbing and Drainage Specialist Works Contractor, Category
Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) is an international non-profit research organization dedicated to discovering and promoting effective solutions to global poverty problems. IPA works in partnership with development partners and academic researchers to create and evaluate approaches to potential solutions
Engineers Without Borders-East Africa Limited (EWB-EA) invites applications from competent firms for prequalification for supply of goods, works and services listed below for the 2025-2027 financial years. Interested eligible service providers are invited to apply for pre-qualification, indicating the
The Directorate of Citizenship and Immigration Control (DCIC) has allocated/ received funds to be used for the procurement of supplies or services under the framework contract arrangements for a period of 2 years effective contract signing. The entity invites sealed bids for the provision of supplies
JKUAT Staff Retirement Benefits Scheme intends to establish a database of qualified suppliers for various goods, works and services for the years 2025-2027. Property Works And Services. Pre-Qualification for Suppliers of Goods, Works and Services for the Years 2025-2027. JKU/SRBS/19 - Maintenance Of
JKUAT Staff Retirement Benefits Scheme intends to establish a database of qualified suppliers for various goods, works and services for the years 2025-2027. Property Works And Services. Pre-Qualification for Suppliers of Goods, Works and Services for the Years 2025-2027. JKU/SRBSM7 - Provision Of Plumbing
JKUAT Staff Retirement Benefits Scheme intends to establish a database of qualified suppliers for various goods, works and services for the years 2025-2027. Property Works And Services. Pre-Qualification for Suppliers of Goods, Works and Services for the Years 2025-2027. JKU/SRBSM0 - Maintenance of Mechanical
Sokoto Rima River Basin Development Authority (S.R.R.B.D.A.) in furtherance of its statutory mandate intends to undertake the Procurement of various Works, Goods and Services under the 2024 Capital Appropriation projects in accordance with Extant Provision of Section 25 of the Public Procurement Act,
Sokoto Rima River Basin Development Authority (S.R.R.B.D.A.) in furtherance of its statutory mandate intends to undertake the Procurement of various Works, Goods and Services under the 2024 Capital Appropriation projects in accordance with Extant Provision of Section 25 of the Public Procurement Act,