Rural Electrification And Renewable Energy Corporation (REREC) Invitation To Tender: Rfx Number, Tender Name And Description For Modernization Equipments For Energy Centres. RFX No. 1000001298 Tender for Supply and Delivery of Modernization Equipments for Bukura, Busia, Lodwar and UasinGishu Energy
Rural Electrification And Renewable Energy Corporation (REREC) Invitation To Tender: Rfx Number, Tender Name And Description For Modernization Equipments For Energy Centres. RFX No. 1000001301 Tender for Supply and Delivery of Modernization Equipments for Kitui, Maralal, Mirangine, Mitunguu and Wambugu
The Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho has received financing from the World Bank (Bank) toward the cost of the Competitiveness and Financial Inclusion (CAFI) Project and intends toapply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation
The City of Mutare invites bids from eligible bidders for the above listed tenders under procurement reference number of their interest. Supply and Delivery of Tyre Fitting And Lifting Equipment
The City of Mutare invites bids from eligible bidders for the above listed tenders under procurement reference number of their interest. Calibration and Integrity Testing of Fuel Tanks
The procuring entity is Human Capital, Facilities Management, Botswana Savings Bank. Tender offers are invited from local 100% citizen-owned-companies for routine and ad hoc maintenance & repairs services for all standby generators for a period of three (3) years.
Rural Electrification And Renewable Energy Corporation (REREC) Invitation To Tender: Rfx Number, Tender Name And Description For Modernization Equipments For Energy Centres. RFX No. 1000001299 Tender for Supply and Delivery of Modernization Equipments for Garissa, Marsabit, Mtwapa and Wajir Energy
Rural Electrification And Renewable Energy Corporation (REREC) Invitation To Tender: Rfx Number, Tender Name And Description For Modernization Equipments For Energy Centres. RFX No. 1000001300 Tender for Supply and Delivery of Modernization Equipments for Jamhuri, Kericho, Kisii and Migori Energy Centres
Engineers Without Borders-East Africa Limited (EWB-EA) invites applications from competent firms for prequalification for supply of goods, works and services listed below for the 2025-2027 financial years. Interested eligible service providers are invited to apply for pre-qualification, indicating the
JKUAT Staff Retirement Benefits Scheme intends to establish a database of qualified suppliers for various goods, works and services for the years 2025-2027. Property Works And Services. Pre-Qualification for Suppliers of Goods, Works and Services for the Years 2025-2027. JKU/SRBS/22 Provision of Lift