Umzila (formerly Birmingham) is a greenfields mining project situated in the Hendrina area of Mpumalanga. The project has an estimated life of mine of approximately 13 years based on a ROM production of 300 000 t/m. Mining will take place through underground methods. The exact co-ordinates are currently
Construction of housing units for a residential development, Buhlewesizwe Extension 1 at Vlaklaagte, Thembisile Hani Local Municipality in Mpumalanga. CIDB 9GB/CE. The exact co-ordinates are currently not available however the approximate area of location is 25°21'53.4"S 28°51'52.1"E
Construction of Silulu Secondary School in Naas Kamaqhekeza, Nkomazi Local Municipality, Mpumalanga Province. The project value is R 64 493 841,94. The GPS co-ordinates are 25°41'04.4"S 31°52'43.4"E
Completion of works for Driekoppies water treatment works phase 1A, construction of phase 4, elevated steel tank, pump station and pipelines phase 2D in Driekoppies, Mpumalanga. CIDB 9CE. Scope of works: Completion of works for phase 1A. New construction at WTW for phase 4. Construction of the Schulzendal
Construction of Phase 3 for the rehabilitation of Coal Haul road P182/1 from P52/2 (R38) towards P30/1 (R35) in the Nkangala Region, Mpumalanga. The project value is R 149 966 912,74. Scope of works could include the rehabilitation of 12km of road. The GPS marker has been placed at the junction of P52/2
Extension of Schoesmansdal water reticulation in Nkomazi Local Municipality, Mpumalanga. Estimated value of R48 585 060.91. Scope of works consists of the following: pipelines - excavation of 49km of trenches, levelling of trenches, installation of pipeline fittings and specials, isolation valves, scour
Construction of Umjindi Branch Offices at Umjindi Trust, on behalf of Department of Social Development. Umjindi Local Municipality, Mpumalanga Province. R34 436 137.68 The GPS marker has been placed at the existing DSD offices 25°47'26.7"S 30°55'49.4"E
Construction of Delmas Branch Office in Botleng Township, Victor Khanye Local Municipality, Mpumalanga. Value of R36,822,871.39. The GPS coordinates of the office are 26°06'12.3"S 28°41'51.8"E
Improvement of 23.5 km of the National Route N11, Section 9 between Hendrina Power Station (km 18.5) and the N4 Interchange (km 41.97) in the district municipality of Nkangala and local municipality of Steve Tshwete, Mpumalanga. Value of R1 013 805 997,14. The GPS marker has been placed on the N11 in
Construction of Rockdale Extension 2 Primary School, at Erf 2637, Rockdale Extension 2, Steve Tshwete Local Municipality, Mpumalanga. The project value is R 67 051 828,00. The GPS co-ordinates are 25°49'19.1"S 29°32'03.8"E