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Found 755 items with Total of 785 results



Miseve A, B, C and D Village Ring Road
  • 31821
Construction of a 2.85km ring road at Miseve A, B, C and D in the Collins Chabane Local Municipality, Limpopo. CIDB 7CE. The exact GPS coordinates are not known and the marker has been placed at the Miseve Classical School 23°12'26.6"S 30°06'01.7"E


N1 Section 29 from Louis Trichardt to Masekwaspoort
  • 27694
Improvement of National Route N1 Section 29 from Louis Trichardt at km 0.0 to Masekwaspoort at km 27.8 in the District Municipality of Vhembe and Local Municipality of Makhado in Limpopo. The GPS marker has been placed along the proposed construction route 22°54'13.3"S 29°54'52.3"E


Mayeke PS
  • 32134
The demolition, refurbishment and construction at Mayeke Primary School in Xikundu Village, Vhembe District, Limpopo. The project value is R36 101 401.94. The scope of works could include the demolition of 10 classrooms and 8 pit toilets, refurbishment of 8 classrooms and construction of medium administration,


Moletlane Police Station
  • 32343
Construction of the new Moletlane Police Station in Limpopo Province. Estimated value: R46 396 877,36. The GPS marker has been placed at the Moletlane Community Hall 24°21'47.7"S 29°19'58.7"E


New Khubvi Police Station
  • 35010
Construction of the Khubvi Police Station on Road D3688, 150/Farm Chibase 215MT in Khubvi, Limpopo. CIDB 7GB Scope of works - construction of the single level buildings with a total gross floor area of approximately 1795m² consisting of the main Police Station (Block A) and the cell block (Block B).


National Route R510 Upgrades - Sections 1 & 2
  • 14818
Upgrades to National Route R510, sections 1 and 2, from North West / Limpopo Border from km 72.0 to Bierspruit at km 6.4 which is a total of 27.2 km, located in the district municipality of Thabazimbi, Limpopo Province. Value R405 420 682.27 The exact co-ordinates are currently not available however


Vhembe TVET Tshisimani Campus Ph 1A
  • 28318
Construction of bulk earthworks and the administration block at the Tshisimani Campus, Vhembe TVET, in Tshakhuma, Limpopo. Value R25 711 033,23. GPS co-ordinates of the campus are 23°03'19.4"S 30°18'31.8"E


LTTC Kitchen and Canteen
  • 28932
Construction of a new kitchen and canteen at the Limpopo Traffic Training College in the Vhembe District for the Department of Transport and Community Safety, Limpopo Province. R33 420 000.00 Scope of works includes: Double storey structure, concrete strip footings and bases, concrete and steel columns,


Ironveld Pig Iron Project, Limpopo
  • 13541
The project is located in the northern limb of the Bushveld Complex, comprising a group of seven adjacent farms with the rights cover 165km². Combined in situ inferred mineral resources are estimated at 32.9 million tonnes. The plan is to build a pilot smelter to a far larger pig iron plant. The full


Road R579 Section 3 from Maleetsi to Masemola to R37
  • 19161
Improvements to National Road R579 Section 3 from Maleetsi at km 0 to Masemola at km 40.9 and from Masemola at km 40.9 to R37 for a total of km 78.9 in the Limpopo province and in the district municipalities of Greater Sekhukhune and Capricorn. The GPS marker has been placed at the intersection of R579


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