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Found 1459 items



Shayamoya Community Residential Units
  • 26789
Construction of 414 units for Shayamoya CRU in Shayamoya, Kokstad, KwaZulu-Natal. for the value of R155 250 000.00. The exact co-ordinates are currently not available however the approximate area of location is: -30.550312, 29.422186


Qhubandaba PS
  • 33856
Additions and replacement of buildings at Qhubandaba Primary School under King Cetshwayo District, KwaZulu-Natal. CIDB 7GB. The GPS marker has been placed at the Qhubandaba Primary School 28°44'49.5"S 31°48'11.1"E


Richards Bay Mining: Zulti South Project
  • 10312
Richards Bay Minerals is proposing to mine heavy minerals from its approved Zulti South Mining Lease Area located along a 20km stretch of the KwaZulu-Natal coastline, south of Richards Bay and north of Port Durnford in KwaZulu-Natal. GPS coordinates lat: -28.9208692; long: 31.8820878.


Construction works for the Ingula Pumped Storage Scheme site, located approximately 23 km northeast of Van Reenen, it straddles the Little Drakensberg escarpment, which forms the border between the Free State and KwaZulu-Natal. The executed projects thus far include the following: the upgrade of the


Ingula Pumped Storage Scheme, KwaZulu-Natal
  • 3407
Construction and upgrading of access roads for the Ingula Pumped Storage Scheme which is situated 23km North East of Van Reenan on the farms Braamhoek, Zaaifontein and Bedford, on either side of the border between KwaZulu-Natal and the Free State. The scheme will comprise 2 reservoirs, enclosed tunnel


Thembalethu SSS
  • 29136
Construction of Thembalethu Senior Secondary School on Erf 6925 Shayamoya Township, Murray Street, Kokstad, Kwazulu-Natal. Value: R80 481 993,00. The project scope comprises the construction of 1 x administration block with principal’s office, staffroom, general office, reception and foyer, stock room,


Ballito Business Park
  • 29058
Construction of the 1700m² Ballito Business Park situated at Lot 3535, along Moffat Drive in Ballito, KwaZulu-Natal. GPS coordinates: -29.527021, 31.195223


Vukuzithathe Phase 3 Housing (Ngcawusheni)
  • 14321
Construction of 1000 residential units for Vukuzithathe Phase 3 (Ngcawusheni) in Ward 3, as part of the Ezinqoleni Rural Housing Projects 2014. This project is situated in KwaZulu-Natal. Approximate GPS co-ordinates 30° 50' 47.64" S 30° 6' 26.17" E


N2/R56 Interchange Upgrade
  • 10147
Upgrading of the Kokstad Intersection and Traffic Control Centre on National Route 2, Section 21 and Provincial Road 56 in the Kokstad area, KwaZulu-Natal. Contract Value: R563 500 207.18. The exact co-ordinates are currently not available however the approximate area of location is: 30°34'32.0"S 29°26'41.8"


Nkweletsheni PS
  • 31150
Additions and upgrades for the Nkweletsheni Primary School in Kweletsheni, Harry Gwala District, KwaZulu-Natal. Value: R35 537 270.68. The scope of works includes the construction of a new administration block, media center, grade R block, male & female ablutions, a guard house, refuse area, and renovations


Khukhlela Water Supply Phase 2
  • 28733
Construction of Khukhlela Water Supply project phase two in Mpumulwane Village with Mpumulwane, KwaZulu-Natal. Project value: R27 492 878,76. The scope of work comprises the construction of a 500KL steel tank reservoir, water treatment package plant and reticulation. GPS Coordinates: -29.9727261 ; 29.693092


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