Tenders are invited for the appointment of a service provider for to be registered on the Database for the following commodities: Safety officer, Electrician, ICT Equipment and supplies (Software and Hardware), Sign Language interpretation services, Stationary and office supplies and other services.
Amajuba District Municipality Invites Tenders For The Rehabilitation And Reconstruction Of Chelmsford Dam Wall Access Road And Sewer Pumpstation DNC7 In Dannhauser (500m Long)
Tenders are invited for the appointment of a service provider for the Supply and Delivery of Laptops to the KwaZulu-Natal Legislature on a once off basis.
Tenders are invited for the appointment of a service provider for rendering of Security Operations Centre (SOC) and Managed Security Information and Events Management (SIEM) services for 36 months.
Tenderers are hereby invited from suitably qualified suppliers for the following: Supply and delivery of chemicals for water and wastewater treatment plants for a three year period as and when required.