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Found 239 items with Total of 268 results



Macuacua - Mawaela to Panda Road, Mozambique
  • 34860
Rehabilitation, upgrading and asphalting of 132km from Macuacua - Mawaela - Panda road in Mozambique. Estimated value: US$ 60 million. The GPS coordinates are unknown and the GPS marker has been placed at the Apiex Offices -25.9648681, 32.5746383.


Luatize - Lugenda Dam, Mozambique
  • 25689
Construction of the Luatize- Lugenda dam in the Niassa province with a capacity of 300 million m³ in Mozambique. The exact co-ordinates are currently not available however the approximate area of location is lat: -13.3968552; long: 36.3193316.


Lurio II Hydro Power Plant, Mozambique
  • 25839
Construction of the 120MW Lurio II hydro power plant in Mozambique. The exact co-ordinates are currently not available however the approximate area of location is lat: -13.5320032; long: 40.504231.


Inhambane Housing Complex, Mozambique
  • 34843
Construction of a housing complex with 500 apartments T2 and T3 located in Inhambane Province, Mozambique. The GPS coordinates are not known at this stage and the marker has been placed at the Apiex offices in Maputo -25.961037499382623, 32.568003309391564. 


Mutelele Dam, Mozambique
  • 25644
Construction of the Mutelele dam with a capacity of 600 million m³ in Murrupula, Mozambique. The exact co-ordinates are currently not available however the approximate area of location is lat: -15.6816667; long: 38.5738889.


Mueda – Negomano Road - Phase II, Mozambique
  • 23008
Upgrading of the Mueda – Negomano road phase II between Mueda-Roma (94km) in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique. The exact co-ordinates are currently not available however the approximate area of location is lat: -11.629750205468316, long: 39.55525854669574


Metugi - Quissanga Road, Mozambique
  • 32677
Construction of the R762: Metugi - Quissanga for a distance of 88km in Mozambique. The approximate GPS location has been placed along the proposed area of construction -12.4309860, 40.4743294.


Dondo Apartments, Mozambique
  • 34842
Construction of buildings with 5000 T3 and T2 apartments in the Municipality of Dondo, Province of Sofala, Mozambique. The total area of the land is 600 hectares is located 30 kilometers from the city of Beira. The GPS coordinates are not known at this stage and the marker has been placed at the Apiex


Upgrading of the Beira Port, Mozambique
  • 4075
$500-million upgrade to the port of Beira in Mozambique. Mozambique also planned to rehabilitate the railway system linking Beira to coal mine and areas exporting other minerals. The Port of Beira currently handles general cargo, timber, oil, grains and fertilizers. GPS coordinates lat: -19.8490655;


Estate Hydro Electric Power Plant, Mozambique
  • 27076
Construction of the Estate (50MW) hydro electric power plant in Mozambique. The exact co-ordinates are currently not available however the approximate area of location is lat: -15.6385351; long: 29.5735957.


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