Construction of the Regional Off-Grid Electrification Project in Central Africa. The project is estimated to cost over US$ 150 million. The Regional Off-Grid Electrification Project is an off-grid solar electrification project that will be implemented in West and Central Africa. The beneficiary countries
The Passendro gold project is envisioned as a conventional openpit gravity carbon-in-leach operation, with a mine production rate of three million tons a year. The mine will produce an average of 203 000 oz/y, in just under six years, at an average operating cost of $ 379 / oz, including royalties.
Areva is drilling and expects to commence feasibility studies at its 90%-owned Bakouma uranium project in the the Bakouma Basin, 100km North of Bangassou in the Central African Republic, shortly. This entire project is to cover an area of 2 900km². To date it comprises ten deposits in close proximity
Construction of a tailings re-treatment plant at Kolwezi copper-cobalt tailings project in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The plant will be designed and constructed such that its capacity can be doubled at a capital cost of US$40 million.
Project value: US$593 million.
The government of DRC and BHP Billiton have signed an agreement to jointly investigate the development of a world-class aluminium smelter in the Bas Congo region of the DRC. The smelter will use electricity from the proposed Inga 3 hydropower station on the Congo River. The proposed aluminium smelter
Chromecto has entered into a joint venture with Centre Professionnel de Development (Ceprodev), of the DRC, subject to SARB approval. The JV will initially include the development of the following project: The marketing of Gold Production on behalf of artisanal miners currently mining and producing
Construction of a concentrator to upgrade ore currently being mined on the
Kawama copper cobalt ore reserve by the artisanal miners near Lubumbashi in the
Expansion of the existing plant infrastructure, construction of a solvent extraction, electrowinning circuit and acid plant at the Ruashi Complex as part of the Ruashi 2 project for Metorex. This expansion would raise the mine's capacity from the operating capacity of 7 500 tons of copper a year to 45
The Multinational Interconnection of Electric Grids of the Nile Equatorial Lakes Countries Project is one of the NELSAP Power Projects within its power development program. The interconnection projects are a pool of several investment projects that are multinational in nature and consists of
Construction of the 230MW Rusizi Hydropower dam for Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The project will cost US$700 million. The GPS co-ordinates are -2.5091182, 28.8752453