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Found 94 items with Total of 107 results



Tsoaing River Bridge, Lesotho
  • 30031
Construction of a new bridge over Tsoaing river between Ha - Ramatšeliso and Ha-Makhakhe in Mafeteng District, Lesotho. GPS coordinates for the Tsoaing river bridge is -29.6893481, 27.4373876


Marakabei to Monontsa Road, Lesotho
  • 22246
Construction and upgrading to bitumen standard of the Marakabei to Monontsa road, in Botha Bothe district in the northern part of Lesotho. The project road, about 60km long, is composed of earthworks, pavement layer-works, drainage structures and asphalt and concrete surfacing, a bridge across Hololo


Kafue to Lion’s Den Railway Spur, Zimbabwe / Zambia
  • 21760
Construction of the Kafue in Zambia to Lion’s Den in Zimbabwe railway spur. The exact co-ordinates are currently not available however the approximate area of location is lat: -15.770999811935704, long: 28.177277491511347


Mpilo Boulevard Intersections, Lesotho
  • 28485
Improvement of Mpilo Boulevard itersections and links which comprise of construction of new road links, vehicles’ flyover bridges, underpass, exclusive pedestrian bridges and signalisation in Maseru, Lesotho. Estimated project value: M400 million. The exact GPS location for the works is not known and


Lerotholi Polytechnic University Campus, Lesotho
  • 33475
The Lerotholi Polytechnic is looking for a partnership with local and international Investors for the development of a new Lerotholi University at three locations, the existing City Campus, Matsieng and Likotsito in Lesotho. The development will include the following facilities: Student accommodation,


Mazenod to Semonkong to Qacha's Nek Transmission Line, Lesotho
  • 17647
Construction of a high voltage transmission line from Mazenod in Maseru to Semonkong to Qacha’s Nek and electrification of villages along the lines in Lesotho. The exact co-ordinates are currently not available however the approximate area of location is lat: -29.4390507; long: 27.5701292.


Petroleum Fund HQ, Lesotho
  • 31862
Construction of a permanent office building as the Petroleum Fund headquarters on Plot no. 12283 - 10102, Prison Gardens, Maseru, Lesotho. GPS Coordinates: -29.314321, 27.469547 adjacent to Kofi Annan Road.


Mohale's Hoek Wind Farm, Lesotho
  • 28712
Construction of the wind farm in Mohale's Hoek district in Lesotho. The approximate GPS location has been placed along the proposed area of construction is lat: -30.141480657457123, long: 27.467702623689572.


Thaba-Chitja Island Holiday Resort, Lesotho
  • 34730
Development of an upmarket resort in Lesotho. This 5-star holiday resort will be on the Island with an approximate site size of 526,927.83m². The resort will cater for the establishment of: (i) A 5 Star Green accommodation facility with a capacity of not less than 20 chalets with a total of 40 guestrooms


Lesotho Cancer Center Facility
  • 32360
Construction of a new Lesotho Cancer Center facility in Maseru, Lesotho. The facility will comprise of external beam radiotherapy and Brachytherapy bunkers and its auxiliary buildings. Scope of works: Construction of gate house, administration block, chemo-therapy block, treatment & planning block, radio-therapy


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