Construction of key components for the Saiss and Garet Water Conservation project in Rabat, Morocco. The Garet project entails the following works: construction of two (2) tanks for storage, regulation and decantation of irrigation water; adaptation works and renovations of the transfer station; construction
Construction of key components for the Saiss and Garet water conservation project in Rabat, Morocco. The Saiss II Project is part of a staged programme to preserve the Saiss aquifer and promote sustainable water management within the Saiss plain. The project entails the following works: construction
Construction of the Boa Vista Resort in Santa Monica, Island of Boa Vista, Cape Verde. The Boa Vista Resort development will be located in the beaches south of Boa Vista. The exact co-ordinates are currently not available however the approximate area of location is 16.0950108, -22.8078335
The 106km² Pitiangoma Est gold project is subject to a joint venture with Resolute Mining Limited. The project is located on the Syama shear zone in southern Mali, approximately 300km southeast of the capital Bamako. The exact co-ordinates are currently not available however the approximate area of location
Construction of the Didessa hydroelectric power project in Ethiopia with an installed plant capacity of 550MW and annual gross energy generation capacity of 5 580 GWhr. The project value is estimated to be US$619.2 million. The exact co-ordinates are currently not available however the approximate area
Construction for the upgrade and expansion of the Alexandria West waste treatment plant in Alexandria, Egypt. The project involves the upgrade of the plant from primary to secondary treatment and the expansion of the capacity from 460 000m³ to 680 000m³ per day. The total cost of the project is US$ 199
Construction of the Abou Qir line system in Alexandria, Egypt. This project spans 21.7km and encompasses 20 stations to connect downtown Alexandria with the northeastern town of Abu Qir. The project cost is estimated to be €1 300 000 000. The exact co-ordinates are currently not available however the
Construction of two 550MW capacity wind farms in Gabal ElZeit, Ras Ghareb, Suez Gulf, Red Sea, Egypt. Project cost is estimated at $1.1 billion. Due to the large size of the project and land availability, the wind farm will be split over two locations i.e. west of Ras Ghareb & south of Ras Shukeir, about
Reykjavik Geothermal of Iceland has secured a 25 year Power Purchasing Agreement with the Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation (EEPCO) for the development of a geothermal power project on an imploded volcano in the Rift Valley. Initial funding has come from KFW of Germany and the European Union African