The University of Lagos a Federal Tertiary Institution established by the University of Lagos Act, 1967 (as amended) CAP U9 Laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 2004 and having its main campus at Akoka, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria is desirous of embarking on the under-listed projects. The sources of fund
Mankayane Town Board (MTB) want to acquire the services of a consultant to provide Civil and Structural consultancy services. Mankayane Town Board Request For Expression Of Interest: Consultancy Services: Civil And Structural Professional Engineers. Mankayane EOI/ ENG/017/2024 – 2025
The Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho has received financing from the World Bank (Bank) toward the cost of the Competitiveness and Financial Inclusion (CAFI) Project and intends toapply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Irrigation
Tenders are hereby invited from Contractors with a CIDB grading of 1CE or higher for the Construction of Reinforced Bunded Concrete Plinths for Standby Generator Sets for Mossel Bay Municipality. This is a multi-year project for the period ending 30 June 2026
JKUAT Staff Retirement Benefits Scheme intends to establish a database of qualified suppliers for various goods, works and services for the years 2025-2027. Consultancy/ Specialized Services. Pre-Qualification for Suppliers of Goods, Works and Services for the Years 2025-2027. JKU/SRBS/35 - Provision
*Short Lead: Please see that "Site Inspection Details' is for the 27 February 2025*. Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation (REREC) Invitation To Tender: RFX NO. 1000001287 Tender For Construction Of Electrical Powerline To Supply Loiyangalani Township In Laisamis Constituency, Marsabit