Tenders are invited for supply and delivery of local content Spigot and Socket Concrete Pipes for Klipfontein Dam Project in Vryheid closest Town in the KwaZulu Natal Province.
Tenders are invited for supply, delivery and service of 6 Chemical Flushable Toilets to Klipfontein Dam Project for the period of 13 Months in Vryheid closest Town in the KwaZulu Natal Province.
Department of Economic Development, Environment Conservation and Tourism Mmabatho Invites Tenders for the Construction of Reinforced Slab, Ablution Blocks and Services Connections Thereof Tlhabane
uMngeni-uThukela Water invites Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), developers/ approved sole exclusive suppliers/distributors/ service providers of the Supply units, spares, servicing and maintenance of Festo products including Wonderware SCADA software and licensing
Tenders are invited for supply and delivery of local content electrical material for Ntshingwayo Dam Project near Newcastle Town in the KwaZulu Natal Province.
Tenders are invited for supply and delivery of local content 15mpa/19mm ready mix concrete for Klipfontein Dam Project in Vryheid closest Town in the KwaZulu Natal Province
Tenders are invited for the supply and delivery of local content 42.5N Cement 50kg Bags for the Klipfontein Dam Project in Vryheid Closest Town in KwaZulu Natal Province.