Market number : ZR-UCM-466169-CS-CQS. Financing : World Bank IDA Grant No. D9890-ZR and IDA Credit No. 7066-ZR. The Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo has received funding from the International Development Association (IDA) to finance the Access, Governance and Reform of the Electricity
AOI Reference : ZR-UGP-462289-CW-RFB. Reference : P174814. The Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo has obtained a grant and a loan from the World Bank to finance the cost of the Great Lakes Trade Facilitation and Integration Project and intends to use part of the proceeds from this financing
Loan/Gift FAT Loan No. 5900150002551: The Democratic Republic of Congo (hereinafter referred to as the "Borrower") has received financing from the African Development Bank, hereinafter referred to as the Bank, to finance the Project to support the alternative well-being of children and young people involved
The Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has received financing from the World Bank to finance the Multisectoral Nutrition and Health Project in the DRC (PMNS) and intends to use part of this credit to make payments under the Contract for the production and installation of visibility
The Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo has obtained a loan from the World Bank to finance the cost of the Access, Governance and Reform Project for the Electricity and Water Sectors, "AGREE" for short , and intends to use part of the proceeds from this financing to make payments under the
The Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has received financing from the World Bank to finance the Forest Investment and Savanna Restoration Program (PIFORES), and intends to use part of this financing to make payments under the contract for the “Procurement of rolling stock for the logistics
Request for Expression of Interest for Determining Groundwater dependency and vulnerability in Megacities (Kinshasa, Johannesburg, Luanda). The Southern African Development Community Groundwater Management Institute (SADC-GM1), a subsidiary of the SADC Secretariat, is established groundwater management
IDA Credit No. 73390-ZR. The Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo has requested a credit from the International Development Association (IDA) in an amount equivalent to US$ 400,000,000 to finance the cost of the Programme for Access to Water and Sanitation Services in the DRC (PASEA) and proposes
Loan .: 2100150042751. The Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo has received financing from the African Development Fund (ADF), hereinafter referred to as the Bank, to finance the Socio-Economic Infrastructure Reinforcement Project in the Central Region of the DRC (PRISE II) and intends to
Project Id: P171141. Loan/Credit/TF Info.: IDA-68580 Reference in PPM: ZR-CI-399949-CW-RFB. This Tender Notice follows the General Procurement Notice published from November 3, 2021, on the websites of the World Bank, UNDB, ARMP, Media Congo and the Infrastructure Unit and the newspaper Le Potentiel.