Tenders are invited for the Request for quotation (RFQ) provision of one (1) as and when service provider of hygiene and sanitation in the eastern cape region for a period of (2) two months
Sundays River Valley Municipality invites suitable qualified and experienced service providers for the following service Operations and Maintenance at Msengeni and Paterson Landfill Sites.
Bids are hereby invited from suitable qualified and experienced service providers for the following services: Supply, Delivery and Installation of 3 containers.
WBHO Construction invites experienced EME and OSE sub-contractors to a tender briefing session for sub-contracts part for the N.002-170-2919/1 Construction of the Ndahakazi Intermodal interchange on the National Route N2 section 17 (km 23.4) on behalf of the South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited
Invitation to register as service provider on Elundini local Municipality Service Providers Database. Invited to apply for evaluation and listing as accredited prospective service providers of goods and Services to Elundini Local Municipality for the new financial year 2025-2026 that will be start on
*Note: Details Changed. Please see Closing Date.* Request For Information (RFI): Information is required to enable Transnet to identify a service provider to assist in the recovery, upgrade, and longterm support of the Class 20E, 21E, and 22E locomotive fleets.