Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) intends to tender for the Supply of 25KW Solar Charging System for Electronic Vehicle 2023 VW ID.4
and other electric vehicles. The GIZ Office Accra now invites tenderers to submit, free of charge and without obligation on the part of GIZ,
The Psychiatric Nurses Training College-Ankaful invites sealed Tenders from eligible tenderers electronically for the above-stated contract to be procured.
*Note: Details Changed, please see 'contract number, description, document collection, closing details' for further information*.The Ministry of Food and Agriculture has received financing from the European Union and the French Government through Agence Frangaise de Dévelopement ("AFD"), and intends
The Kibi Presbyterian College of Education intends to apply part of its Internally Generated Fund (IGF) to cover eligible payments for the procurement of the following goods: Provision of Fiber Network Infrastructure to Cover Every Block on Campus Including Staff Bungalows .
The McCoy College of Education, Upper West Region, Nadowli intends to apply part of its Internally generated allocation to payment under the contract for the construction of 1 No. 5 Unit Dormitory Block and Renovation of Administration Block for the development project in the College at Nadowli- Kaleo
The Nursing and Midwifery Training College, Gushegu (GNMTC) now invites sealed Tenders from eligible Tenderers for the Procurement of standby-plant( Generator).
The McCoy College of Education, Upper West Region, Nadowli intends to apply part of its Internally generated allocation to payment under the contract for the construction of 1 No. 5 Unit Dormitory Block and Renovation of Administration Block for the development project in the College at Nadowli- Kaleo
Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) intends to tender for the Supply of 25KW Solar Charging System for Electronic Vehicle 2023 VW ID.4 and other electric vehicles The GIZ Office Accra now invites tenderers to submit, free of charge and without obligation on the part of Giz,