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Found 1 items searching for "34388"



Construction of the proposed development on portion 59 of farm 216, Uitzicht, Knysna, Western Cape. Scope of work: Four distinct structures will be developed as follows: Managers' Cottages, Conference Centre and Tourist Facilities, Garages, Entertainment Facilities. The GPS co-ordinates of the western


Uitzicht Mixed Use - Conference Centre & Tourist Facilities
  • 34390
Construction of a conference centre with tourist entertainment facilities for the hospitality development on portion 59 of farm 216, Uitzicht, Knysna, Western Cape. The property is situated on the western head of the Knysna Heads and is partially protected by the Featherbed Nature Reserve, a private


Uitzicht Mixed Use - Garages and Workshop
  • 34391
Construction of garage units and workshop for the hospitality development on portion 59 of farm 216, Uitzicht, Knysna, Western Cape. The property is situated on the western head of the Knysna Heads and is partially protected by the Featherbed Nature Reserve, a private reserve. To the east, the property


Uitzicht Mixed Use - Infrastructure
  • 34387
Construction civil services and infrastructure for the hospitality development on portion 59 of farm 216, Uitzicht, Knysna, Western Cape. The property is situated on the western head of the Knysna Heads and is partially protected by the Featherbed Nature Reserve, a private reserve. To the east, the property


Uitzicht Mixed Use - Managers' Cottages
  • 34389
Construction of the Managers Cottages for the hospitality development on portion 59 of farm 216, Uitzicht, Knysna, Western Cape. The property is situated on the western head of the Knysna Heads and is partially protected by the Featherbed Nature Reserve, a private reserve. To the east, the property is


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