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Found 1 items searching for "34466"



Replacement of the Tlhabane asbestos-cement water pipes in Tlhabane, North West.


Tlhabane AC Water Pipe - Phase 2A
  • 32018
Construction of Phase 2A which is the replacement of the Tlhabane asbestos-cement water pipes in Tlhabane, North West. CIDB 8CE. The GPS coordinates are -25.6349731, 27.2197674


Tlhabane AC Water Pipes - Phase 2B
  • 34464
Construction of Phase 2B for the replacement of the Tlhabane asbestos-cement water pipes in Tlhabane, North West. CIDB 8CE. Scope of works to include: Trenching, bedding and backfilling for the following: Pipes • 50mm (HDPE) 5.0 km • 75mm (uPVC) 3.6 km • 110mm (uPVC) 3.0 km • 160mm (uPVC) 2.8 km • 200mm


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