All set for a busy season at George Airport

Airports Company South Africa (Acsa) has reviewed it expansion programme and is awaiting final regulatory approvals.

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George Herald

GEORGE NEWS - The notorious four-way crossing on the R102 (Old Airport Road) near the George Airport and the status of contingency plans for safety, parking and traffic control at the airport entrance this upcoming summer holiday season is uppermost in the mind of a George Herald reader.

Airports Company South Africa (Acsa) and the Provincial Mobility Department, that are in charge of some of these matters, as well as George Municipality, that plays a supportive roll, said they are are all on board to ensure a smooth transition into the festive season. 

The controversial crossing, however, will not be upgraded in the near future.

The crossing

Acsa's internal communications specialist, Thulisiwe Mkatshwa, said they share concern about safety at the four-way intersection near the airport, especially given its history of accidents.

 "It is crucial to clarify that the road is under provincial jurisdiction. We are, however, actively engaging with the relevant provincial authorities to address safety concerns, and we support any measures they undertake to enhance safety on the provincial road," she said.

Jandre Bakker of the Western Cape Department of Infrastructure said their department is not planning any upgrades of this intersection in the current Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF). 

"Changes to this intersection will be actioned along with the construction of the George western bypass. No project timelines have been set for this project yet because it is resource dependent."

Head of communication for the Western Cape Mobility Department Muneera Allie said Provincial Traffic Law Enforcement does have officers deployed to assist with traffic control at this particular four-way crossing. Municipal spokesperson Chantèl Edwards confirmed this, saying George Municipal Traffic assists when requested.

Speed and parking

Speed and parking enforcement at the airport is also addressed by the Provincial Department of Traffic. Acsa's Mkatshwa said they are aware that traffic will always increase near its facilities at this time of the year and potentially lead to congestion and bottlenecks. 

"As is the case every year, the company has ensured that it has the right resources in place to deal with these challenges. We remain confident that there will be enough parking for our meeters and greeters. An overflow grass parking is available should the parking become full."

Mkatshwa said Acsa acknowledges the sustained growth experienced by George Airport, which during peak hours reaches its operational capacity. "The company has reviewed it expansion programme and is awaiting final regulatory approvals.

"We are committed to maintaining open communication with the public, local communities, and the media. Regular updates on our expansion programme, safety initiatives and traffic management plans will be provided to ensure transparency and address any ongoing concerns."

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