FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
A normal subscription includes 5 monitors & the main user. Should you require more, kindly contact our Accounts department.
You are permitted to download a maximum of 25 leads at a time.
We limit the number of leads you can download in a single instance to prevent database harvesting and exploitation of our researched information.
No, you may not share your login information! Everything associated with your profile has been customised to you and your business. By sharing your login credentials with someone else there is the possibility they could alter this configuration, which could mean a loss of business for your company. Should you need an additional user, under your company profile, please contact your account executive for more information.
The information you receive in your Daily Advisory, Leads Portlet and Search results is directly tied to your Advisory Settings. If the information you are receiving is not relevant to you, you can adjust this by going to Settings> Advisory Settings and completing Steps 1-6 of the guided Wizard. Please be sure to save your settings before you exit. If you are unsure, please feel welcome to contact support for further assistance.
The maximum file size is 4Mb. Anything in excess of this is too much for a potential Client/Professional to download.
We have a group of researchers in Hilton making use of multiple media resources and different publications such as Gazettes, Newspapers, Internet, Deed’s office etc.
Projects Service
We limit the number of professionals you can email to 10 per day. The reason for this is to prevent users from spamming directory contacts.
Monitoring a Project means that in the event there is new information or a change in the status of a Project we will notify you via an update email.
As a generalisation, Projects focuses on private construction work, while Tenders has a majority of government work. It is important to note that the subscription to Projects incorporates a valuable subscription to Tenders (This service inclusion in non-refundable or transferrable). Tenders are a specific contract and is complete when awarded. Projects follows the progress of a development until construction is complete
At the top of each Project next to Proudly Researched by, there is "For Assistance, click Here."
By clicking on the monitors name from within the monitors portlet, you can view a report and download the leads that have had interactions.
Monitoring the project from as early as possible is essential even if this is before the ideal stage for your company to get involved. This way you are able to make initial tentative contact with the relevant Professionals as they are appointed and added to the Project.
You can derive that from the attached Bill of Quantities and the Description of Projects.
No, main contractors are, however, able to provide you with RFQ's which will give you contact details of the correct person to contact
You can contact the Main Contractor / We will attach a sub Contractor list if we receive it from the Main Contractor and attach it to the Projects?
These are the earliest stages a Projects can be sourced. Conceptual Stage is when the Private Developer / Client still has an idea. Procedural stage is when the EIA and Zoning processes are underway.
Pricing & Payments
You are welcome to upgrade or downgrade your service package at any time, your invoice will be adjusted accordingly with a pro-rated amount. Any request to change your service needs to be presented in writing by the account signatory who has the neccessary authority over your company's bank account. These requests can be directed to our Accounts department.
All subscriptions are payable in advance and proof of payment is required prior to registration.
Payment will be requested by an emailed invoice, up to fourteen (14) days’ before due date of payment. Should payment not be made by due date, Leads 2 Business reserves the right to deactivate access to the website.
A maximum suspension period of three (3) months is allowed, after which the account will automatically be reactivated. An emailed invoice will be issued, up to fourteen (14) days’ before reactivation date.
Suspension requests must be received by L2B in writing.
Should you wish to unsubscribe we require fourteen (14) days’ notice in writing. Notice to be emailed to Accounts@L2B.co.za. (Accounts department).
Rates are subject to an annual increase in March.
The physical address provided on the subscription form is the domicillium citandi et executandi of the registered client accessing this service and you also understand and agree that you will be liable for all outstanding monies which may be due to Leads 2 Business for services which you have used. You also agree that you will be held liable for all interest, collection cost and/or any fees which may occur should the account be handed over for collection. You understand clearly that Leads 2 Business has the right to place a listing on Credit Bureau should you fail to settle the account in full. Leads 2 Business does everything in its power to ensure that clients receive the most qualified leads possible, however it cannot guarantee work from leads received, therefore, payment cannot be withheld should the leads provided not result in work.
A Open Quotes Costs R 304.35 per Month. Prices presented in ZAR and exclude VAT.
Tenders South Africa service as monthly debit order costs R 1426.09 for a main user,
and R 521.74 for an additional user.
Tenders Africa service as monthly debit order costs R 1721.74 for a main user,
and R 695.65 for an additional user.
Tenders South Africa & Africa combined service as a monthly debit order costs R 2460.87 for a main user,
and R 704.35 for an additional user.
Prices presented in ZAR and exclude VAT.
Leads 2 Quotes service costs R 2513.04 as a monthly debit order for a main user,
and R 1756.52 for an additional user.
Prices presented in ZAR and exclude VAT.
Projects for South Africa & Africa is R 3043.48 as a monthly debit order,
and R 1339.13 for an additional user.
Prices presented in ZAR and exclude VAT.
There is no L2B contract, it is an ongoing monthly subscription with a 14 day written notice for cancellation.
We require 14 days’ written notice and a reason for cancelling.
There are limited Advertising spaces available. Banners have proven to be an effective and powerful brand builder and our Advertising Team can create an animated or static web banner, specifically designed for your company.
Please email our Advertising department for more information.
Tenders Service
On each Tender there is a green action button on the bar. Selecting this will allow you to request a Bill of Quantities for that specific Tender.
On each Tender there is a green action button on the bar. Selecting this will allow you to request the site attendance register for that specific Tender.
At the top left of the tender, you will find the contact details of the researcher and you can email them directly by clicking on their name.
We publish publicly advertised Tenders, however, we do not publish invited Tenders unless it gets sent to us to publish specifically.
It is imperative to make sure that all the advisory settings are correct and up to date, including the Keywords which evolves daily.
When a tender is re-advertised, it means that it hasn’t been awarded and has been sent out to tender again. The new DTA number will be indicated in the external Award Notes. The Re-advertisement is sent out along with the new tender notice in the same advisory.
Yes we actively source BOQ's and Site Attendance Registers on all pertinant Tenders when requested to do so.
You will receive a notification on the Daily Advisories to advise you when a Tender was Cancelled, Re-advertised and also when the Site meeting and/or Closing details were amended.
When you monitor a Tender of interest, you will be notified on e-mail of available updates, such as if the Tender is re-advertised, cancelled, withdrawn or awarded.
Yes they will have full access to the Directory when logged in
A Monitor only has Access to the Projects and/or Tenders the Main user assigned to him. If you are a Monitor and you would like to Monitor a Project / Tender, you can request to be added as a Monitor by making use of the "Actions" tab on the relevant Project / Tender. Please note that Monitors do not receive their own Daily Advisories and there does not receive Daily Advisories.
No, they can only download information that they were assigned to as Monitors.
Only if they are assigned as a Monitor, can they request a BOQ's on a Tender.
Only if they are assigned as a Monitor, can they request these.
Only if they are assigned as a Monitor, can they request Award information.
1 to 10 Monitors(R 260.87 per monitor), 11 to 30 Monitors(R 217.39 per monitor), 31 to 50 monitors(R 165.22 per monitor), 51 to 70 monitors(R 147.83 per monitor)
Open Quotes
Awesome! You are now listed on our Open Quotes Service, please make sure that your service offerings are correct as well as whether you provide labour, materials or both.
Congratulations! This means there is a buyer who is currently bidding on a tender and they would like you to price items on the Bill of Quantities. You can respond by pricing online throught the Leads 2 Business website (recommended), or downloading the Bill of Quantities to your computer and completing the pricing process offline.
The differences are as follows:
You have the ability to edit and directly manipulate your entry, including trades, your area of service as well as service or product offerings.
As a New Open Quotes subscriber you will feature for a period of 30 days on the New Vendors showcase in order for Buyers to see your business and mark you as a preferred Vendor.
You will be able to see which Buyers prefer you and interact directly with them regarding your service and product offerings.
If award information becomes available on any Bills of Quantity, you are notified, irrespective of whether you have priced online.
As a Open Quotes subscriber being a preferred Vendor is a great status symbol. It means that a buyer on our system prefers dealing with your company in preference to another Vendor. As a Open Quotes subscriber you are also afforded the benefit of knowing which buyers prefer dealing with you, so in the event you exapnd your service or product offerings, you have the ability to contact them directly.
Unfortunately, there is no firm answer for this and it is dependant on demand for that product or service in a particular area. Requests do fluctuate as a result.
To adjust the requests you receive, please update your trade profile. If you require assistance in this regard, please contact our friendly support staff would would gladly assist you.
The benefit of pricing online is that it boosts your response rate as a Vendor which means better placement in search results. Additionally your pricing history is preserved on our system, affording you the benefit of broadcasting your pricing without re-capturing the details to other buyers who may be tendering on the same bill. If you have priced online and award information is availble you will be notified of the award.
Leads 2 Quotes Service
In order to begin the process of pricing online, you need to create a new bill request. Click on the L2Q red tile from your dashboard and on the Buyer Home page you will find the option to "Create a New Bill Request" whereby you will be guided through a wizard in order to complete the process.
Great! Now you can begin the process of Requesting Prices, by selecting your bill trades and regions. Don't forget to include your terms and conditions.
Pricing on our system does require human interaction, unfortunately it is not a process that can be completed by artificial intelligence.
As responses come in, you can view a report to gauge your responses. This can be found by clicking through on your control list link.
Yes, we do offer a price per bill option. Please contact accounts for further information or your account executive.
From your buyers home page you will find the option to click through on "RFQ Notice" this will email all the Vendors you have contacted to price this Bill.
Requests for Quotes
They receive this information from the client on the project or the Quantity Surveyor.
No, but we can give you the awarded details, so that you can become a subscontractor. The best way to make sure that all main contractors receive your pricing will be to price on the RFQ, then to either Broadcast your pricing, or copy the Contract number and search to see if the Bidders list is available. From there send out all pricing and start to follow up with the Main Contractors.
No, you will need to respond to each RFQ receive to increase your rating. You can also contact your Account Executive to have a look at what your Company's Rating/Indicator is.
We can give you the awarded details, so that you can become a subcontractor and your Rating / Indicator will increase the more you respond to RFQ's.
Congratulations! This means there is a buyer who is currently bidding on a tender and they would like you to price items on the Bill of Quantities. You can respond by pricing online throught the Leads 2 Business website (recommended), or downloading the Bill of Quantities to your computer and completing the pricing process offline.
Being a preferred Vendor is a great status on our site. It means that there is a Buyer on our system who prefers dealing with your company over another Vendor.
The benefit of pricing online is that it boosts your response rate as a Vendor which means better placement in results. Additionally your pricing history as well as terms and conditions associated with each quote is preserved on our system. If you have priced online and award information is availble you will be notified of the award.
Please contact our office and one of our friendly staff members will gladly assist you.
Technical & Support
There are a few ways you can get assistance with our service. You can:
Call us on 0860 836 337
Email us on support@L2B.co.za
Chat to us on LiveHelp
To access our service you need to have the latest update for browsers such as Edge, Chrome or Firefox and the appropriate hardware and operating system to support this.
We do offer an API to large scale and loyal corporate subscribers. This is a premium service and we reserve right of admission to an exclusive group of clients.