Price Bill of Quantities

Leads 2 Quotes

Price Bills of Quantity Online

Bills of Quantity -Price Online
Coded Bills
Customised Trades

Why choose this Solution?

Leads 2 Quotes is an online platform used by Buyers & Estimators to send out price enquiries to their Preferred Suppliers.
The entire process is electronic, saving valuable time, and resulting in you receiving your spreads faster.

Quantity Surveyor - Buyer Dashboard

Leads 2 Quotes has modernized the estimating process stimulating future growth of businesses through efficient electronic tendering.

Creating a New Bill Request is a guided wizard that steps you through the critical details of when you need your responses by, closing dates and the dates you need the work to start.
Once we have the appropriate documentation and information, we code the Bill according to trades and upload it to our site for you to begin the process of electronically requesting quotes based on labour, materials and location.

Customised trade mapping in accordance with your company’s needs enables you to specify your areas of own work.

We understand the time constraints of a Quantity Surveyor, as a result we showcase New Vendors from our Platinum Directory that could offer "new blood" to your Preferred Vendor portfolio.
New Companies mean more options within the scope of products and services to your business and subsequently more competitive pricing when tendering.

Quick & easy access to a database of vendors / suppliers from localised businesses within the area of the tender with the added flexibility to mark them as your preferred supplier / vendor means you can earmark the businesses that have given you the best response, service and pricing.

Our intelligent pricing platform also highlights the Vendors on our system who have provided the best response to a Request for Quote. So in the event you have not dealt with the company before, their rating will give you a benchmark on their response rate.

The emails generated from our Leads 2 Quotes Buyer Platform include your company branding, terms & conditions, drawings, addendums and specifications.
This affords great clarity to the Vendor who is responding with their pricing, terms and conditions within the stipulated time period.

At the end of your pricing, you can generate a Control List report which will show the Vendors you sent to, your engagement with the service, of the RFQ's received - How are Vendors responding to your requests as well as an audit status on the percentage of RFQ's that have been individually followed up by our Leads 2 Quotes team.

L2Q equips buyers with the ability to transfer Bills of Quantities into various electronic formats, for ease of use. All pricing information can be downloaded or emailed to spreadsheet software insuring multi-platform compatibility.

In the last 30 days:

92 602
Requests for Quotes Sent
Bills of Quantities Uploaded
1 028
New Directory Contacts

Why Our service?

Here are just a few reasons why our clients love Leads 2 Business:

Fantastic Support

Our friendly staff are contactable via phone, email & Live Help

Mobile Solution

Perhaps you do not have space for an app?
You can still use our service
on a mobile device


Making data driven decisions is important.

Our reports make it easier

User friendly

Our user experience has been built thanks to your amazing input and feedback.

Happy Clients who use Leads 2 Quotes

Stefanutti Stocks
Lemay Construction
Mivami construction
Probuild Construction
Crossmoor Construction
Motheo construction