Long Street indoor swimming pool closed for urgent maintenance

Long Street indoor swimming pool closed for urgent maintenance

Read : 349 times
Cape Town Etc

The Long Street indoor swimming pool will be closed for urgent maintenance work from 5 February 2024 until 1 March 2024.

As per the City of Cape Town, some of the work includes roof repairs and electrical compliance upgrades.

The facility will reopen on Saturday, 2 March 2024.

Councillor Patricia Van der Ross, the City’s Mayco member for community services and health, said in a statement last year that major upgrades were done at several public swimming pools.

‘Most notably, the completion of major upgrades at the Elsies River swimming pool, including the refurbishment of the swimming pool basins, the complete overhaul of the pipe reticulation system and the construction of a new plant room.

‘Major upgrades are also on the horizon for Emthonjeni swimming pool, with the goal of having the pool open later in the season, and providing much-needed recreational relief.’

At the time of Van der Ross’s statement, the City’s Department of Recreation and Parks were in the process of finalising a five-year ‘swimming pool readiness plan’ to minimise disruptions and explore alternative maintenance and upgrade schedules.

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