R300 million Northern Cape road project to create 200 jobs

The HOD for the Department of Roads and Public Works, Dr Johnie MacKay, MEC Fufe Makatong and the chairperson of economic development, planning and tourism in the John Taolo Gaetsewe District, Naomie Mokwene

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A R300 million project connecting Laxey village to Lurie in the John Taolo Gaetsewe District is expected to create 200 job opportunities during the construction of a 20-kilometre road.

A R300 million project connecting Laxey village to Lurie in the John Taolo Gaetsewe District is expected to create 200 job opportunities during the construction of a 20-kilometre road.

The Northern Cape MEC for Roads and Public Works, Fufe Makatong, announced on Sunday that the upgrade of the MR974 road would bring about significant economic benefits to the district.

She added that the road would link Kuruman to the rural communities of Maphiniki, Metsimantsi, Laxey, Lurie, Perth and ending in Heuningvlei.

“This development will improve infrastructure and connectivity. The project is expected to create over 200 job opportunities, significantly contributing to the district’s economic growth. The appointed contractor is expected to commence with site establishment from August 9. The two-year project is expected to be completed in August 2026,” said Makatong.

She added that the contractor would be mandated to ensure that the project reached its completion without any hindrances.

“Things must run transparently where local SMMEs must be sub-contracted in an open and fair manner. Any service needed will be advertised to the general public to tender. The community must be able to compete equally for these opportunities, to avoid infighting.”

Makatong indicated that preference would be given to local community members to be appointed as the community liaison officer (CLO).

“The community must take part in the appointment of the CLO. The post will be advertised by the appointed contractor. This is to ensure that there is a seamless and open process for the appointment of a suitable person, whom the community is willing to work with. The position is open to anyone and all appointment processes should be followed and adhered to,” she stated.

Makatong pointed out that the project would contribute towards the development and economic upliftment of the John Taolo Gaetsewe District.

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