Works start on Plett circle

What the traffic circle in Plett will look like when it is done.

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Knysna-Plett Herald

PLETTENBERG BAY NEWS - Construction has begun on Plettenberg Bay's new R100m circle, or roundabout, at the intersection between the N2 and Beacon Road.

The big question being asked is: will it be finished in time for the December holiday season?

The project has been seven years in the making – and a tender for the project, one of the biggest capital projects undertaken in Plettenberg Bay in recent years, was issued in December last year by Sanral.

It is expected to be a 10-month project, which means the contractors will have their work cut out to finish construction by the December holiday season.

Also referred to as an "ellipse", Sanral says the project was driven by congestion and delays and the intersection has seen many accidents in the past, with a least one fatality.

The contract was awarded to Martin & East in December 2023.

The scope of works entails the construction of a three-leg traffic circle (which has the shape of an ellipse) with a dedicated eastbound through lane.

Dedicated left turn lanes are also provided into and out of Beacon Way. A double lane is provided for the westbound traffic through the traffic circle joining the N2 eastbound traffic, accommodated with a double lane.

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